Ravyn Darkwood -The Blogger-

Reach for the highest stars in the sky,
even if you have to stand on a cactus.

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Friday, April 15, 2011

My masterpiece =D

Hey! Another post here*ahem* today I'm going to show you people some pictures so this blog of mine won't bored you to death *touch wood!* XD So! here are some pictures/ drawings:

Kaichou Wa Maid Sama
This cute(or shock)kissing here, was requested by my clients( friends of course)
Happen to drew this along, Usui(Kaichou Wa Maid Sama) in a chibi form ^^
These two drawings here were request from my friends at school, looks pretty good if i do say myself
.There were more request I received, so I might post it out, not only these two.
This one is during Chinese New Year, Year of The Rabbit. =3

As for this, another request from my client, many people really like love scenes
This was one of my client's request, is from a singer(i don't know who). She begs me to draw the guy in a chibi form,sooo...yeah, drew it out. The reference was from her phone so it was a little hard to drew it out at first.... This is one random drawing I had drawn during one of my class.

Another random drawing, I was watching the show(Code Geass) then i got the urge to draw it out, so i Google for the picture and drew out this, I know...both of their eyes are a little not nice, but at least I've improved on drawing the fingers...

I drew this last night, it WASN'T random drawing, is my brother's school stuff. He bugged me to draw a poster of drugs. Ahh~~ The memories, I remember when I first drawn a drug poster and making a gigantic cigarette for some school program. So out of my goodness, I agreed to help him to draw one since his teacher and him like so called praise me in my talent in drawing ^^ Though, some credits goes to my brother cos he help out coloring the words =3Kuran Kaname( Vampire Knight)
The newest drawing request from my clients =D

So this is the end of this tour =D Hope you enjoy looking at some of my masterpiece!

Credits goes to:
  • My trusty camera(phone camera)
  • My laptop & Bluetooth device
  • A4 Papers(from Mom's Office, so credits goes to her too)
  • Drawing device
  • And also Blogspot(if that counts)