Ravyn Darkwood -The Blogger-

Reach for the highest stars in the sky,
even if you have to stand on a cactus.

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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Boring day~~

At last~~~ i can online after this first month back to school and got tons of work to do=_=" luckily i survive...First i though i was going to become a class moniter but after the vote for the real moniter,i didn't become^^ thank goodness or i'll be 'bully' by my kelam kabut class...but still the class moniter (the real one ) is quite good not the assistant moniter so damn harsh.......but i still could take it^^ ... now there's one more problem that i'm desperate for it~~ that is THAT DAMN DARREN SHAN'S BOOK!!!!!!!! i can't find the following chapters anywhere in my library school!! >.<" i've already read the first three chapters or the volume of the book and now i'm waiting for the fourth book...but someone borrowed it...i really hope that person return it soon if not i'll go wild and will burn down the whole school!!!(just kidding^^) Now i'm gonna find that book and hope my mom will buy it for me~~~~~