Ravyn Darkwood -The Blogger-

Reach for the highest stars in the sky,
even if you have to stand on a cactus.

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Friday, March 26, 2010

Cute and Hot Cat!

He's soooooooooo damn cute! kawaii! sexy! xD
*gone crazy* if you wan to see him or admire him xD you can go to one manga and the read the comic if you wanna, is like alice in wonderland story like you watch in the movie but different a bit from the movie and the fairy tale book you've read since small..=>

He's Boris the Cat by the way~ even the mad hatter and the white rabbit are cute but still like Boris! xD

Lookie! My exam art paper!

Look! My masterpiece! hehe~ got 86% for it from my exam and the highest xD, didn't expect to be the highest though~ Anyway, at least i paint it good~

Monday, March 22, 2010

Lazy day~

Lazy go tuition 2day lah~~~still have to go though~~+_="for my future! *Crazy XP* so tiring these days~ have to stay bck 2moro for the sport practice and cheerleading practice~~*someone pls save me8_8 * i'm thinking i'm not going to survive~ OMG! have to go for my tutiton! *running*

*log off*
-sam yuko-